A Conversation with Josh Miller
Josh started fishing as a young boy - he's a third generation Miller - and started fishing with his father Peter. "I got my first boat between 5th and 6th grade, it was a wooden flat bottomed skiff called M & M. It was my uncle Hale's old boat and I went with my younger brother, but he never really liked it. I always loved it."
Josh went to University of Rhode Island where he majored in finance. "I had been fishing all the way through college in the summer, and when I graduated, I just wanted to come home and fish." Josh lives in Tenants Harbor with his wife Jasmine and his two girls. What he loves about fishing? "My office - being out on the boat everyday. Nothing is better than steaming out on a clear August morning." About the Co-op "I think the Co-op is a great opportunity for all of us to take a more innovative approach to how we do business. I like working with Luke and the guys at Cape Seafood. I'm looking forward to building a different business model that delivers the best possible product to Luke's consumers."
Scariest Moment on the Water: "When I drove a bait hook through my hand. After it happened, I hauled another string, but then decided that with a hole in my hand, maybe I should head in."
Favorite Food: Lobster. "And doughnuts."
Favorite off the Water Activity: "Coaching my girls' basketball teams, being with my family and playing golf."
Buoy Color: Pink and green
Boat Name: Dorcas Anne