A Conversation with Peter Miller
Peter is the third of the nine Miller children. "We all had boats growing up, and my father always fished in the summer. Our house was right along a cove in Cape Porpoise, we'd just haul our skiffs up along the bank. It was a wonderful way to grow up. My Dad, taught, went fishing in summer and all of us boys followed as a summer job. My mother had nine children in twelve years so we are all pretty close together. Family you can always count on. We are very close." Peter went to work for his uncle in New Jersey at Waterford, but left after about three years. As he puts it "you can take the boy out of Maine but you can't take the Maine out of the boy." He arrived in Tenants Harbor in 1974 and has lived here ever since. "I'm pretty lucky. One of my sons lives right next door, and I get a lot of time with my two granddaughters."
The thing he likes most about fishing? Independence. About the Co-op: "It's a wonderful opportunity, especially for the younger fishermen. With work and done right they should be able to reap benefits - it's a unique opportunity for them to chart their own destiny."
Favorite thing to do when he's not fishing: "Escape to an easy chair." Also spending time with his grandchildren and duck hunting.
Scariest time on the water: "I was hauling by myself in the Channel. Somehow I managed to get a line wrapped around my leg, I went down on my back, got dragged to the stern and then somehow managed to haul the trap that was overboard in enough to give me some slack and free myself."
Buoy color: Saturn Yellow-Rocket Red
Boat name: SASHA. "First initial of each of the women in my family. My mother Anne, my sisters Sky, Susan, Heidi and Anne. We pronounce it Sashay. I did name a boat after my wife once, but she then became my ex-wife, so I adopted SASHA, which was what my father had named one of his boats way back."
Favorite food: Baked Stuffed Haddock